Deja Vishny is well known on the national criminal defense training scene. Her training career began in 1991 after she attended the National Criminal Defense College, where she was invited onto the faculty in 1998. She began by starting a new attorney training program in the Milwaukee Public Defender office and soon expanded to training lawyers statewide, and well as speaking at Wisconsin Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Wisconsin State Bar events. Beginning in the mid-1990’s, she began teaching public defenders and private criminal defense lawyers in other states and has done so coast to coast. She is one of the highest ranked speakers at the National Association of Criminal Defense Association CLE meetings, and appears on numerous DVD compilations for the best speaker of the year. In addition to giving lectures and conducting interactive seminars, she has organized multi-day training for various public defense organizations including homicide training for Brooklyn Defender Services, trial skills training for the Salt Lake Legal Defender Association and the West Virginia Public Defense Services, new lawyer training for Neighborhood Defender Services of Detroit and West Virginia PDS and defense investigator training for the Montana Public Defender Services.
Here are a few of Deja Vishny most popular topics:

What’s Interrogation Gotta Do with it?
Defending False Confession Cases

It wasn’t him!
Suppressing Eyewitness Identification

Cross Examination and Impeachment

The Storytelling Method of Direct Examination

Client Centered Interviewing

What Online Dating Taught me about the Art of Jury De-Selection

The Spy in your Pocket:
Suppressing Electronic Evidence

Winning Self Defense Cases

Working with and Cross Examining Forensic Pathologists